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  • Outdorable Play Equipment Package

Outdorable Intermediate Package


Default Package (26 items)

Price excludes GST & Shipping (calculated at checkout)

Minimum 'Soft fall' play space area recommended:
Designed for multiple pay areas. See individual packages for details on 'soft fall' play areas required.

Timber type
Natural acetylated weatherproof timber. Non-toxic FSC certified - GOLD Cradle to Cradle environmental certificate. Find out more HERE 

Stainless steel


The Outdorable Intermediate Package is built with our ultra-special weatherproof timber. Completely durable in all weather conditions and guaranteed to last outdoors for over 25 Years! It sounds too good to be true!? Learn more

Made from solid FSC sustainable timber that is 100% environmentally friendly and holds multiple ECO labels. At last, you can enjoy the beauty of natural wood furniture that lasts outdoors.

NOTE: for any planks and climbers used over 600mm High, they must be used only on sufficient soft fall (playground surfacing) that complies to AS/NZ 4422 for at least 1500mm from the structure at any given point. Learn more

Safety User Guide and Certification